Archive for lemon tree

A: Meyer meyer pants on fire!!!

Posted in gardening with tags , , on October 3, 2008 by gluttondressedaslamb

Ok, so man and I had agreed a while ago that we wouldn’t attempt to plant any lemon trees on our balcony. I’d accepted that it just wasn’t practical (we only get evening sun and too much wind) and we both assumed that I’d moved on from the notion that I NEEDED one to other more important considerations in life.


While browsing through my local nursery yesterday, looking for herbs and ground covers for our 2 new planter boxes, I found this!!!

A dwarf lemon tree??? A dwarf MEYER lemon tree??? Best in pots? Not so good in the ground??? It can't be true!!!

A dwarf lemon tree??? A dwarf MEYER lemon tree??? Best in pots? Not so good in the ground??? It can't be true!!!

There was only one thing left for me to do.

Doesn't it look happy?

Don't you think it looks so very happy?

I accept that it might not thrive, but I sure am going to try my darndest to make sure it does, dogganggit!

A sheepish text message to man informs him of this brazen breech of trust, and I spend the rest of my afternoon watching my new lemon tree grow. 🙂

I have also scattered some rocket and lettuce seeds around my new best friend to keep it company, so fingers crossed for my new harvest!