Archive for the ice-cream Category

A: I scream, you scream we all scream!!!

Posted in ice-cream with tags , on June 28, 2008 by gluttondressedaslamb

The lemon glut is growing, especially with me having procured more free lemons from my butcher! What with the price of eggs and butter growing exponentially as I type this post, I decided to make a dead easy lemon ice-cream from NL’s How to Eat (also on her website here).

Lemon season is gratifying for all sorts of reasons, one of which is the ultimate pleasure of watching minuscule shards of zest fall from my Microplane into the mixing bowl. Ah, if only the cavemen could see us now.

The recipe is so simple I could recite it by heart.

Combine zest and juice of 3 lemons with 170g icing sugar. Leave for 30 minutes for flavours to develop.

Whisk 420ml thick cream with 3 tablespoons ice-cold water until soft peaks form. Whisk in lemon juice mixture until well-combined.

